Saturday, October 8, 2016


Hear me roar.
Laugh, scream, or....cry.
It really depends on what day it is.

This is for all the mothers, daughters, fathers, brothers, sisters, lovers, whomever really....
who forget...
It's okay to NOT be perfect. 
Truth is that is what makes us perfect, our flaws.

How often do you get to be you? 
The you you can really be, the one when no one is around.
When no one is watching you. 

I know we have those people we feel comfortable around but I know we are all a little different when we are by ourselves. 

It's also okay to feel like you're out of control. 
It's okay to dance in the kitchen and sing into a spoon.
Pretend you know what you're doing when you try to do yoga.
Talk to your pet about your day and ask them about theirs.
Smell your underwear and socks to make sure they are clean.
Cry into a pillow only to stop to eat ice cream.
Drink alone on a Saturday afternoon just because you want to.

How many things do you hide from the world around you?
How many times have you just put on a smile and faked it?
How many times have you been perfect when in reality you are the furthest thing from it?

Stop trying to be perfect. You are just the way you are supposed to be.

Don't feel bad for crying and not knowing why. 
You are human and you are allowed to be angry or sad.   
You can laugh and smile for no reason.
You can have a bad day.
You can have an amazing day, with no rhyme or reason.
You are allowed to feel emotions. 
You are allowed to be.

You're allowed to want a cheeseburger on a Wednesday night and say fuck the dishes.
You can sleep all day if you want. 
Eat all the Doritos if you one is judging you.
Drink that whole bottle of wine if you one is judging you.
Sleep until one is judging you.
Cry to get it off your chest..whatever it is..get it out.
Cry to the heavens, scream if you must.
It's okay. You are perfect, even if tears are streaming down your face.
Remember, you are allowed to be.

I am declaring that we all be the not so perfects that we are meant to be.
I am embracing my inner lioness and I have NO shame.
I am roaring today.
Roaring loudly with my strange sunburned shoulders, blemishes on my face, my chipped nail polish, and stained shirt. I am roaring today and tomorrow and hopefully the next.
If I falter and forget that I am perfect, guess what, I'll still be perfect, and so will you.

So lay down your worries, stop trying so hard.
You are beautiful.
You are real.
You will always be good enough.
Love your freckles
Love your scars
Love your laugh lines
Love your skin
Love your big feet
Love your frizzy hair
Love yourself.

You are not so perfect and world loves you for that.
Always stay imperfect.

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