Shouldn't it be love/like/care openly...whatever it is you feel, feel it?
It's not quite like that, now is it?
I've been single for over a year now.
I've met countless guys, men, and fuck boys..(yes, there is a difference.)
I've went on dates, had coffee, made dinner, went for hikes, and had dinner made for me.
I've met amazing people and then I've met people that made me want to gouge my eyes out.
I've suffered through god awful conversations and had some great laughs as well.
I'm getting somewhere with all of this though..
Something has happened to our generation and it's actually pretty pathetic.
It's like everyone is just these sex crazed animals and judgmental assholes.
Which don't get me wrong is fine if that's what you're into but what happened to talking?
What happened to the act of getting to know someone?
What happened to the act of getting to know one person, not five at the same time?
What happened to calling someone back after a good night?
(like a legit goodnight, not a one-sided "I think it went well night.")
We are to busy passing our feelings over pictures on social media or with drunken slurs over loud music in bars. We live in a dating generation of texting, lies, sexting, and one night stands....
What the fuck have we done to ourselves?
In a time when we can't even spend one night with someone without picking up a phone to check a call, a text, or some sort of social media...our dating lives are only going to get worse from here if we're not careful.
We get judged for spending too much time getting ready and are labeled as high maintenance.
On the other hand, if we spend too little time getting ready, we don't care about ourselves or get labeled as a slob.
If we sleep with someone too soon, we're a slut..If we wait, we're a prude.
No one can be themselves and I don't know why.
People are afraid to show their true colors...
It's like you have to put on this mask to meet people.
What the fuck do you want from us?!
What is right and wrong now-a-days?
I'm pretty sure we need a dating handbook...
My past relationship came to a point where our roads diverged,
Now I'm treading this single dating road and it's a goddamned nightmare.
Maybe I just forgot what it was like, but I'd put money on it that it wasn't like this four years ago...Not that I remember anyway...
I met a guy at a friends house, super rad dude, we hit it off, so we swapped numbers.
The first text I get is one saying how do I feel about a guy waiting three days to text after you get a number.
I called bullshit. I said it was stupid.
What is this 3 day waiting rule? Bullshit.
If you like someone go for it. What the fuck is the big deal?
Guess what, we texted very rarely.
I now know why...
I found out he has a girlfriend...
What is wrong with you guy?!
If you're unhappy get out...Don't settle.
But most certainly, don't cheat, even emotionally, and don't make me out to be the homewrecker.
In a time where people literally jump from relationship to relationship claiming love, obsession, or whatever the fuck it is you think you feel...some people are forgetting who they are.
Women have become more's like men forgot how to do anything.
We are approachable, I promise.
If we don't want to talk, you'll know, I promise.
However, I've never seen a more sensitive generation of guys in my life.
You get offended because I say I don't want to meet up with you tonight?
Please, grow up fuck boy.
Who is supposed to text or call who?
Are you waiting for me to text you again?
Because I don't chase people.
If I reach out and you don't respond. That's on you.
You're not about to make me out to be the clingy and needy girl.
Communication works both ways.
And THAT my friends is the problem...
Communication is gone..Completely and 100% disappeared.
Everyone talks about how they want a relationship or a family one day but you can't even make the effort to return a phone call or a text..that is something strange to me.
And you are supposed to have a relationship, how??
Please enlighten me...
So do me a favor single people of the world..Let your intentions be known.
Don't string people along.
Its okay to say you only want to be friends or fuck buddies or to say that you don't want a relationship, but don't pretend you do only to break someone later down the road.
Don't let someone invest their precious time into you when you know you have no plans of sticking around.
One guy comes to mind when I think of this...
We spend weeks together and had talks of being together.
Wanting to see me when he could.
Spending the night..
Telling me over and over how he loved that he could open up to me.
Holding my hand and kissing me in public..
Even made a mention of buying me earrings one time (I don't wear them, it's the point I'm making)
Only to come back and say he didn't want a relationship...
What the even fuck?
Talk about being confused.
My friends were even confused and they aren't even dating!
Don't come at me with love sick eyes when you see me in person.
If you don't have time to build with me on a mental level.
Then you don't deserve me on a physical level.
Don't be afraid of commitment and certainly don't be a part of our fucked up dating generation.
If we don't start communicating and doing this right we are all going to end up alone and hating one another...Simple as that.
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