I want to feel your hands trace mine like time stands still...
To the slow motion of breathing life to one another..
Let the day slip by us and turn into night..
Swing, swing, sway...away...
Embraced in each other like the day is undying..
I want to get lost in your embrace..
I want to feel...feel whole..feel life..
Who said life isn't about the little moments...They were a liar.
Let the water quinch my thirst and desire...
Let my passion fuel the fire...
This secret both unexpected and vivid in my mind..
Life is stunning when we let it take us sometimes..
Not knowing where to--just moving with the energy of the moment...
Don't forget the feeling of the warm earth and cool water at our feet...
And the sun kissing our skin..
Unexpected...but life is about those brief times..
Where you feel the energy in the air and verve pulsing through you veins...
Memories rush in...
Leaving nothing but the thought...
And I never felt alone...until I met you.
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